Hanson Robotics
Sarah Rose Siskind

Hanson Robotics’ Spotlight Series: Meet Sarah Rose Siskind, Head Comedy Writer

This is the next of a series of interview posts introducing our amazing Hanson Robotics’ team members to the rest of the world. You know us through our social and research robots — Sophia, Han, Little Sophia, Zeno, Professor Einstein, BINA48 and the list goes on. But the talented people behind the scenes are the ones who make the Hanson Robotics’ magic happen, day in and day out.  It’s a very special group of people from around the world, all contributing through their own unique expertise who “bring our robots to life!”

Introducing Sarah Rose Siskind, Head Comedy Writer, NYC

What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work here?

So I was very busy and stressed out with a lot of jokes to write, storylines to pitch, and new tech to learn. Then I remembered I somehow write jokes for robots for a living. I suddenly felt less stressed. (This moment happens to me every day.)

What was your best day at work?

My best day was getting to meet the team on the set of Good Morning America. Sophia is the product of teamwork from dedicated employees all around the globe. So it means I rarely get to meet my teammates. So when we do meet up, we party.

What’s something that happened that can only happen here?

I can legally write off a Furby as a work-related expense on my taxes.

What are you most proud of?

I have an excel spreadsheet compendium of robot jokes and an exhaustive multi-step flow chart entitled “Operation Sophia Tells a Joke.” But I’m most proud of making people laugh and getting to work with all these brilliant weirdos.

The Hanson Robotics Team

Photo and Video Credits:  Hanson Robotics Limited


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